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Welcome to Stardust Essence!
This is a site dedicated to spread the goodness called manga, poetry and
art. Manga lovers and artistic people are dearly welcomed. I hope you'll
have fun browsing the site and be sure to drop a note after your visit!


2005-12-03 - Celesti added~

Excuse the severe lack of updates but I've been so busy. I've not been
able to draw much lately, I guess I'm kinda in a slump. But well, I finally came around coloring another one of my artworks. Seriously, I have a
whole stack just waiting to be colored. Anyway, this time I decided to color
the Celesti Azmodiel, and I also added her biography. This will be the first celesti illustration shared on the site. Hope you like it~



2005-10-07 - Return of the bishie huntress?

So I finally decided to update the bishie section. Byakuya is just so hot I couldn't get myself to remove him! Anyway, the bishie section has been updated with the new bishie of the month. Behold and please.... keep your saliva controlled.....



2005-09-27 - Exam = isolation

Ugh, haven't updated for a while, but I was busy with exam and an essay so forgive me. So much to do, but so little time. I really wish the professors would go easy on us once in a while... damn them. Anyway, I managed to squeeze out some time to update the link About Garden in Alter Gemini.



2005-09-08 - Art section update

Two new character biographies and illustrations has been added in Alter Gemini section. I've also updated the story introduction and encyclopedia links. Be sure to check it out! I'm planning on focusing quite a lot on Alter Gemini for the coming weeks so do expect more updates on it.

My tablet isn't really working as it should right now, which I find really frustrating! Prevents me from coloring my other character illustrations. Hopefully I'll have it fixed soon or I'll go bald ripping my hair out.....



2005-09-04 - Manga release

Here I am with a release for your enjoyment. Legend of Su Yao volume 03 by NANO has just been released. It's a korean shounen manhwa that I find really interesting. However, volume 3 was the only book I could find in chinese. So if you know a place online where I can buy the rest of this
series in chinese, please let me know! I'm quite desperate about it.



Past Updates